Vipassana: Mindfulness of Breathing

Fifteen 20-minute audio recordings of guided meditations. Suggested donation is $50.

Mindfulness of breathing is the cornerstone practice of Buddhism, and likely the most practiced meditation in the world today.  The Buddha taught mindfulness of breathing as a path to take us all the way to the deepest insights, as a path to freedom.

Here we will explore the Buddha’s 16 steps of mindfulness of breathing, and discover his teachings on calming, experiencing well-being, and letting go.  Discover that the awareness the Buddha is pointing to is not something we need to add to our experience, bur rather a quality that we already possess, a quality that we already are.  Learn how to lean into these qualities in an easy way, allowing distractions to dissipate and deep wisdom to arise.

It’s said that the Buddha practiced mindfulness of breathing before his awakening and after his awakening, and we can follow in his footsteps to discover a different way of relating to ourselves, and realize an abiding that is free from the patterns that block our happiness. This course is for both new and experienced practitioners.


These meditations are based on the teachings of Gil Fronsdal.