Meditation Teacher Training

300-Hour Meditation Teacher Training

Karen will lead 300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training by Zoom and in the gorgeous and energetically charged salt room at Aquarian Uprising. This 8-month course course will meet one weekend a month starting in September 2025, ending in April 2026. There will also be daily meditation practices and monthly retreats. In combination with your 200-hour Yoga Alliance certification, this course will bring you to RYT-500 status.

In this course we will:
Learn to teach and practice mindfulness meditation in a gentle and natural way.
Learn to include relaxation of and care toward all layers of our being into our teaching and practice.
Learn to work more skillfully with our reactions to pleasant and unpleasant experience.
Gain access to deeper concentration without over-efforting.
Gain confidence in our ability to see through the conditioning that blocks our happiness.
Begin to shed our reliance on our conditioning and instead open to more spaciousness and ease.

There are no specific requirements to join this course other than an open mind and commitment to be on your cushion. Meditation is an experiential practice, and there will be many opportunities to practice teaching as well as sitting. We will discuss theory and history, as well as practice yoga to support our sitting.

We will be working with Mindfulness of Breathing as the Buddha taught it, as a path to insight and wisdom. This is essentially what is called Vipassana, although we will pull from wider sources than just the Vipassana tradition.

Our Tentative Training Schedule is:
Module 1: Mindfulness of Breathing
Saturday & Sunday, September 13th & 14th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #1: Saturday, September 27th | 1-5pm
Module 2: Mindfulness of the Body
Saturday & Sunday, October 11th & 12th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #2: Saturday, October 13th | 1-5pm
Module 3: Mindfulness of Valence
Saturday & Sunday, November 15th & 16th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #3: Saturday, November 22nd | 1-5pm
Module 4: Mindfulness of Thoughts
Saturday & Sunday, December 13th & 14th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #4: Saturday, December 15th | 1-5pm
Module 5: Mindfulness of Mind
Saturday & Sunday, January 10th & 11th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #5: Saturday, January 24th | 11am-5pm
Module 6: Steadying and Liberating the Mind
Saturday & Sunday, February 7th & 8th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #6: Friday-Tuesday, February 20th-24th | 10am-5pm
OR Monday-Friday, February 23rd-27th | 10am-5pm
Module 7: Deepening Insight
Saturday & Sunday, March 7th & 8th | 9am-5pm
Retreat #7: Saturday & Sunday, March 21st & 22nd | 11am-5pm
Module 8: A Culture of Care
Saturday & Sunday, April 4th & 5th | 9am-5pm

Most of our course materials will be articles in your workbook and audio/video recordings. Feel free to read (or re-read) in advance: Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana.

The cost of this course is $4300. An $800 deposit will reserve your spot.
Final payment is due September 1st, $200 discount for final payment made by August 1st.

Please email Karen with questions, or to discuss dates/conflicts. The Yoga Alliance does allow up to 85% of content to be watched on video, although obviously it’s more fun if we can be live together.

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