Yogic Insight
Twenty 30-minute audio recordings of guided meditations. Suggested donation is $75.
Nondual thought can be compelling, but philosophy alone is unlikely to shift our way of being in the world. If we instead develop an experiential understanding, we find ourselves moving into connectedness. For this reason, the yoga tradition offers meditations to expose the nondual experience that we are already having, right now.
In dropping repeatedly into our direct present moment experience, we gradually shed the distorted conceptual overlay by which we have been conditioned. What is revealed is a natural, pervasive sense of nonseparation and wholeness. The best description for this felt experience is love. This is not something we add to our being, rather it is revealed to have been present all along.
Insight meditations are not meant for the thinking mind, as they are designed to deconstruct the reigning conceptual paradigm. Do your best to drop into the felt sense of the meditation with as little analysis as possible. These meditations do not propose a belief system, and are not meant to be taken as true. Instead, they encourage a shedding of previously held beliefs that no longer serve you, and inspire open-hearted, connected, present moment living.
There is no prerequisite for these meditations. However, a foundation in mindfulness practice can be helpful to cultivate attention; if you are new to meditation, you might begin with the introduction to mindfulness meditation course. Also, training in concentration can prime you for a deeper experience; if this sounds intriguing, you might begin with the calming the mind course.
These meditations are drawn from the teachings of Rupert Spira.