Audio Meditation Courses
The by-donation online courses below offer traditional instructions in a modern secular context, and are designed to give you the tools and confidence for regular ongoing practice.
Click on the title of a course below to view details, donate, and participate!
Intro to Mindfulness Meditation
Twenty-one 15-minute recordings with guidance for all four foundations of mindfulness.
An Undefended Heart
Thirty 15-minute recordings to generate forgiveness, kindness, compassion, joy, and emotional balance.
Calming the Mind
Seven 30-minute recordings to develop mental stability and concentration.
Vipassana (intermediate)
Fifteen 20-minute recordings exploring the Buddha’s teachings on mindfulness of breathing
Awake Awareness (intermediate)
Eight 20-minute recordings cultivating deeper meditative states of open, spacious awareness.
Yogic Insight (advanced)
Twenty 30-minute recordings exploring the natural awakened experience from the yoga tradition.
Yogic Sleep
Five 25- to 40-minute recordings inducing deep relaxation and rejuvenation through sleep-based meditation.
Kriya Yoga
Eleven recordings of varying length to generate a balanced energy body and a calm and spacious mind.